--- title: "Ncmpcpp" date: 2023-01-16T22:24:03-05:00 --- ncmpcpp is the main music player that interacts with the [music player daemon](/mpd). ncmpcpp stands for *NCurses Music Player Client ++*. Yes. I'm sorry it's unpronounceable, but it's the best at what it does... {{< img src="/pix/ncmpcpp-02.png" class=normal >}} ## Running Press super + m, or type `ncmpcpp` in the terminal. For ncmpcpp to run, you should have [mpd](/mpd) set up and have audio files in your mpd directory. ## Bindings Firstly, ncmpcpp has many different screens accessible through the number keys 1 to 8. The most important of these have also been mapped to mneumonic letter keys: - m -- main music library (press key again to alternate album/album artist views). - v -- visualizer. - f -- library by directory structure. - t -- tagger. - s -- detailed search. - 1 -- current playlist. {{< img src="/pix/ncmpcpp-03.png" class=normal >}} - h/j/k/l -- navigate the music library view or select directories and songs. - enter -- add selected to playlist and play now. - space -- add to end of playlist. - . -- show/download lyrics. ## Configuration - `~/.config/ncmpcpp/config` -- main file controlling formatting and colors and other details. - `~/.config/ncmpcpp/bindings` -- file customizing key bindings.